Journalism: Life After MIPA

download (2)What do I want to do with my life?

Where will I be in the next 20 years?




What do I want to be when I get older?

Will I be successful?

Will my life be one big struggle?

Too much pressure for a 17 year old. I need an acceptance letter in order to graduate, but how could I apply for a college when unsure of my future major?

What ever I do I want to love it, I have to love it. I’ve spent so much of my childhood trying to be someone else. I need something that will let me express myself to its fullest.

I’ve been complimented and told that I should think about journalism from past teachers, but its never been a true passion of mine.

My best friend told me that people with natural talents for things don’t have to work as hard as people who don’t have any. Being naturally talented just means having a head start. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much natural talent you have, it has to be tamed and trained and molded (even Beyonce had voice training).

It went from forensic scientist, to police officer, to fashion designer, to fashion stylist, to hair stylist, to now, a columnist of a hair magazine. Ever changing, which is the scariest part.

What if I don’t find what I’m good at until I’m 60? Would I feel as if I wasted my entire life? What do I do?

Don’t worry about the what-ifs. If you do what you love in life no matter what it is, you will be successful.

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