My Favorite Movie: Les Misérables

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I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love this movie.

I love this so much if you couldn’t tell. I loved this movie from this start but I had to watch it a couple of times to understand it.

The funny thing was when I watched it..I didn’t know it was a musical! I knew no names except Javert (of course) and Jean Val Jean…oh yeah Gavroche. I went the extra mile to look up the movie and read synopses to understand what the heck was going on.

I’ve always loved the songs though. Catchy, sing-a-long tunes like Master of the House and my favorite The Confrontation.

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HBO’s been promoting it for the last month or two (that I’ve seen) and it made me super excited because I hadn’t watched it in a long time. Well last night I saw it and immediately jumped for the remote and watched it.

So in the last 12 hours…..I’ve watched it 3 times. DON’T JUDGE ME!!! LOL. As I stated earlier, I love this movie.

Last night I realized something, something that really inspired me to confess my love for this film. In the movie, they use the same instrumentals but with different lyrics!

This strategy was pure genius. From what I could tell there were about 6 or 7 different scores but a million songs. This being done, the characters mirror each other’s emotion creating depth in concept.

Once you watch the movie enough, you start realizing things that you didn’t before. Just like if you saw the same picture everyday, you would start to notice the smallest details.

I realized if I made a goal to learn the lyrics, I could know the entire movie by heart! It’s a lot of work, but I could do it.

That’s really all I had to say, it was just some quick thoughts on my fav movie! I guess I love musicals because the High School Musical trilogy was my favorite movie, well movies. Maybe the next musical will be my next love.


YO! Check out my MSU Application Essay, it would be much appreciated 🙂

Cast of Les Miserables performs at the Oscars (Full Performance!!) (Please share!!!!)

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